Newton North Booster Club is dedicated to supporting *all* our student athletes, coaches and athletic programs at Newton North High School.
Our mission is:
- To collaborate with NNHS Administration to foster and promote school spirit for ALL athletes and spectators
- To support the NNHS Athletic Director and NNHS
coaches by funding equipment and development activities specifically requested by the coaches and purchasing equipment with a broad range of use for the entire athletic community - To sponsor community-building events with a balanced focus on fundraising and community engagement
- To collaborate with the NNHS Administration to advocate for all school athletic teams
The 2023- 2024 Newton North Booster Club Executive Committee:
Kevin Conroy,Co-President
Linda Swain, Co-President
April Stein, Treasurer
Jen Thomas, Secretary
Sheila Butze
Jacob Groshek
Bill Hanson
Cara Nelson
Cara Mezetti Salmon
Rebecca Schmitt
Alec Southall
Rob Swint